Corpus Donation
- Corpus Donation

‘Seven Sisters Development Assistance’ (SeSTA) is committed to enhance the capabilities of women and women institutions, thereby bridging the gender gap. To do this, SeSTA promote entrepreneurial development skills, Livelihood development, employment support and train grass root workers. In our ten years journey we are able to work directly with 50,000 women in 25 blocks of three north-eastern states Assam, Tripura and Meghalaya. SeSTA with its commitment is seeking to expand its endeavours by reaching out to more vulnerable and marginal communities in the coming days. We at SeSTA are committed to scale up and reach one lakh fifty thousand rural women by 2025 ensuring food security, enhancing annual income by INR 50,000 and reduce risks related to credit, irrigation, and insurance. Along with a plan to make agriculture practices become sustainable, climate-resilient and less vulnerable we also pledge to groom 150 young enthusiastic and meaningful minds into development professionals via our Executive Traineeship Programme, with an aim to make a change in the lives of the marginalized and deprived communities.
SeSTA’s journey which is promising comes with a cost and lots of constraints. With changes in regulations, geopolitical tensions, growing uncertainty it is a tough time for Civil Society Organisations like ours to raise funds. In order to meet the expansions challenges, confront technological changes, provide adequate remuneration to our professionals and sustain thesemquality human resources in the locations and community workers, enhance our reputation and grow in stature and scale while zealously maintaining our service to the rural communities and the society,
we seek support.
Do donate to the corpus of Seven Sisters Development Assistance to continue our effort in bringing a
- 80 G certificate.
- Monthly Newsletter.
- Quarterly Magazine.
- Annual Report.
- Field Visit.
How do I donate?
Visit our donation form at (Link)
You can also visit your bank and donate at :
Account name: Seven Sisters Development Assistance (SeSTA)
Account number: 32190415179
IFSC Code: SBIN0001684
Bank Name & Branch: SBI and Bongaigaon
Does SeSTA have an annual report?
Yes! Click this link to view our most recent annual report.
What will my donation support?
Your donation will directly support the efforts of an award-winning, development organisation devoted towards empowering rural women and women collectives:
- Improve production of paddy by practicing Systematic Rice Intensification (SRI), ensuring income enhancement and food security of one lakh households.
- Practicing scientific Animal husbandry by 50,000 family, who will ensure usage of proper vaccination, medicines and quality feed for the growth of the animals
- Design quality IEC and PoP materials in English and other vernacular languages for the benefit and understanding of the communities.
- Groom Community Cadres, ensuring access and quick support to the community in need.
- Groom 150 young enthusiastic and meaningful minds into development professionals via our Executive Traineeship Programme, with an aim to make a change in the lives of the marginalized and deprived communities.
Can I make a recurring online donation?
Yes, on our donations web page, you can schedule a monthly or yearly gift to SeSTA. In fact, we encourage it!