Seven Sisters Development Assistance

Organizational Development

OD in SeSTA’s context focuses on creating a vibrant, value-driven organization where governance and systems act as the pillars of accountability and transparency. Strong systems and clear policies, when well-articulated and consistently implemented, ensure that the organization remains resilient and adaptable in an evolving development landscape. SeSTA’s emphasis on nurturing committed human resources aligns with OD’s goal of fostering a motivated and skilled team that drives meaningful change on the ground.

Northeast Organizational Development for Empowerment (NODE)

The NODE initiative by SeSTA, supported by the Axis Bank Foundation, focuses on developing Northeast India through sustainable livelihoods, climate resilience, grassroots governance, and gender justice. It emphasizes organizational development, finance and compliance, governance training, HR management, fundraising, monitoring and evaluation, project management, technology, collaboration, and skill building. In 2024, NODE conducted workshops on finance, governance, livelihoods, and MIS with 13 CSOs, complemented by field visits, participatory research, and an LMS for centralized education. Additional support includes communications, financial processes, and a dedicated microsite with comprehensive information.